EBSA Congress 2023 in Stockholm From July 31 until August 4 2023, half our group traveled to Stockholm to attend the 14th congress of the…
Bally Lab Summer Party 2023
Bally Lab Summer Party 2023 On June 30, Marta and Hudson invited us all to their place at Tavelsjö for a Texas barbecue summer party,…
8th ECV in Gdańsk
Bally Lab to the 8th ECV in Gdańsk Written by Dario Conca It was time for the second major conference of the year—the 8th European…
Three new students
Three new students We are very happy that our lab continues to attract students for internships and thesis projects. This semester, three students joined…
Our AFM and Fouzia featured in university press release
Our AFM and Fouzia featured in university press release Yet again more exposure for Fouzia, the indispensable senior research engineer running the AFM in our…