EBSA Congress 2023 in Stockholm

From July 31 until August 4 2023, half our group traveled to Stockholm to attend the 14th congress of  the European Biophysical Societies Association (EBSA Congress). It is the biggest biophysics conference in Europe and is held every two years. A wide range of topics are presented, from DNA origami to cancer research and microfluidics, and methods range from advanced microscopy to simulations.

One of the first specialized sessions was dedicated to physical virology, showing how important our interdisciplinary field is. Marta gave a short talk presenting Konrad’s research. Kerstin, Dario, Fouzia and Sarah had a chance to present their research at the poster session on Thursday, together with an overwhelming number of other great posters showing inspiring results.

We had a great time meeting old friends and making new ones, fostered by not one but two conference dinners offered to us. We attended a dinner reception at Stockholm City Hall, famous for hosting the Nobel Banquet after the Nobel Prize ceremony. To walk in the footsteps of Nobel prize winners was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. The official conference dinner on Thursday was also held at a great venue on top of the hill with a panoramic view overlooking the city.

There was success to be celebrated as well: During the EBSA general assembly, Sarah was handed the European Biophysics Journal (EBJ) Publication Prize, together with her former supervisor Andreas Janshoff and simulation collaborator Jochen Hub. This award is given to two articles published in the EBJ during the past three years, highlighting excellent collaborative research, and Sarah is the first author of one of the awarded articles. During her doctorate in Göttingen, Germany, she did the experimental work in this experiment-simulation collaborative study into fundamental aspects of cell-penetrating peptides. This honor motivates her for the continuation of her research with us, in a different field, but with the same dedication. Congratulations Sarah!

Overall, we look back at an excellent conference with many interesting presentations and conversations, fostered by beautiful venues. We are very inspired to continue working on exciting interdisciplinary projects!

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