Three new students


We are very happy that our lab continues to attract students for internships and thesis projects. This semester, three students joined us for different projects.

The first is Sofie Bechaouch from the Netherlands, studying at Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen. She is a bachelor student in Biology and Medical Laboratory Research and joined at the end of January. She is working together with Kerstin and is studying different viral pseudotypes. Sofie will try to purify pseudotypes that carry the Marburg virus glycoprotein.

Aron Sasu joined us in March and will look at virus-like particle production under the supervision of Gosia. He is learning about cell culture, western blots and luminescence assays. Aron will use the experience and data from this project to write his bachelor thesis in Biomedicine at Umeå University.

Lastly, Sophie Battedou joined in April. Sophie is from the Paris Science and Letters University and National Superior School of Chemistry, Paris, Francewhere she is enrolled in the program for an engineering degree in biotechnology. She is working together with Fouzia and is learning to perform AFM measurements, which requires skills and patience. More specifically, she will apply the force-clamp method to compare binding interactions of SARS-CoV-2 variants.

We are looking forward to the outcomes of all three projects and hope Sofie, Sophie and Aron will enjoy their time in our lab.


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